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Test Sessions

LCSC offers test sessions throughout the year. 

  • The virtual testing fee is $40.00 per test for members of an Indiana Council of Figure Skating Club.

  • The virtual testing fee is $65.00 per test if not a member of an Indiana Council of Figure Skating Club.


Contact the LCSC test chair for more information.

Important Instructions to Follow for Virtual Testing:


Please do the following to register for a virtual test:


  1. Virtual Test Application:

  • For Non-LCSC Skaters:

    • Complete virtual test application and email to Make payment through the appropriate Virtual Test Link above.

    • OR, Complete a virtual test application form together with your payment and mail them to LCSC, PO Box 972, Columbus, IN 47202.​

      • Once forms are completed and fees are paid in full to LCSC, please send an email to to inform the test chair that your payment is completed.​


  • For LCSC Skaters:​

    • Complete virtual test application and email to Make payment through the appropriate Virtual Test Link above.

    • OR, Complete a virtual test application form together with your payment and mail them to LCSC, PO Box 972, Columbus, IN 47202.​

    • OR, Place forms and payment in the metal LCSC payment box in the skate rental room at Hamilton Center no later than the test deadline. (January 15, 2025)

      • Once forms are completed and fees are paid in full to LCSC, please send an email to to inform the test chair that your payment is completed.


2. Test Forms:

  • Complete the above testing forms.  Work with your coach to submit these three items to the test chair via email: 

    1. Name and likeness release and consent agreement form

    2. Affidavit forms

    3. Your video recording. Properly label your video file as "Virtual testing submission_ your skater's name_test level".  

  • Please email all three to, as soon as your recording is completed. 

  • Videos must be received electronically by 5 PM January 16th 2025

  • IMPORTANT - New Virtual Test Requirement. Per US Figure Skating, "Effective immediately, all tests recorded for submission to a virtual test session are required to include a Virtual Test Placard. The placard must include the information below and must be held in front of the camera prior to the date (month and day) and time, which is also required. Videos date-stamped after November 21 without the placard will be rejected by the host club test chair. It can be printed or handwritten  on a piece of paper or on a whiteboard as long as the following information is included. Skater Name, Test Taken, Host Club, Date of Test. Click on the button below to access the placard."




US Figure Skating Rule book:  4104 In lieu of testing with in-person judges, the member club may elect to host virtual testing for any skating skills, singles, pairs, pattern dance or free dance tests. Figure tests are not eligible for virtual testing.  

A. Virtual testing is organized by the test chair or duly authorized representative of the member club. Tests are evaluated by qualified judges via video (see rule section 4530) and will be subject to all requirements as defined in the rules. Candidates must have met the prerequisites for the test by the date of the test session. 1. Reskating of any element, as described by rules 5040, 6238, 7238, 8242, 8339, and 8388, is not permitted for virtual tests. 2. Virtual tests are subject to the waiting period outlined in rule 4003.  


B. Virtual testing may be conducted in one of two ways: 1. In the same manner as standard test sessions, but without judges officiating in person. The tests will be recorded and submitted to the judges for evaluation. The date the tests are recorded is the date of the test session. 2. Candidates may be allowed to submit their own recorded video of the test to the host club test chair. The submission deadline set by the test chair is the date of the test session. Videos must be taken within 30 days of the submission deadline.  


C. Video Requirements  

1. A performance affidavit, and release and consent forms must be submitted with the candidate’s video.  


2. In order to guarantee the integrity of the virtual test environment, candidates must confirm a proctor for their performance. 

a. The proctor must be an impartial person of authority (i.e., test chair, rink management, skating school director, board member or local skating official) but may NOT be a coach/choreographer who has worked with the candidate, a training mate who takes from the same coach or is a personal friend of the candidate, or a parent/ guardian of the athlete or any training mates.  

b. The videographer may also serve as the proctor if they meet the requirements in (a).  

c. Proctors must watch the test performance, verify that the full performance was completed on the date and time indicated in the athlete’s recording as a single continuous recording, and complete the performance affidavit.  


3. Prior to the candidate starting the test, the videographer will announce the test candidate’s name, home club name and test name. A date and time stamp must be shown at the beginning of the video by holding up a mobile device in front of the camera that shows the date and time. 


4. A performance affidavit stating that the video is in its original format and has not been altered in any way must be signed by the candidate, the candidate’s coach, the videographer, and the test proctor, and must accompany the video submission. If the candidate does not have a coach, the performance affidavit may be submitted without a coach’s signature.  


5. The video, performance affidavit and applicable payment must be submitted to the test chair hosting the virtual test session.  


6. Virtual tests should be recorded with no more than eight other skaters on the ice, and the test candidate should be clearly identifiable. Audio must be recorded during all tests. Skaters will not be penalized if background music or noise is audible during moves in the field tests.  


7. The video and supporting documents must be submitted by the deadline set by the test chair.  


D. Results of the test submission must be returned to the skater and coach within one week of the test session as defined in subparagraph B of this rule 4104. 

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