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Parent Meeting Review: 8/13/18

Thank you to those who were able to attend the parent meeting and to those for inquiring about the new year! If you couldn't be there, no worries! We provided a quick overview of skater conduct on and off the ice and explained the forms which must be completed by each member of LCSC. This info can be found in the LCSC Handbook located under the tab About LCSC/Bylaws and Handbook.

Here is a list of the forms which must be completed and returned to a Board Member or placed in the LCSC Board mailbox in the 'mailbox' room:

* Ice Show Costume Fitting Waiver/Agreement

There will be hard copies provided at the rink or you can access them directly from the website under General Information/Forms.

First Quarter Member Dues:

Sharon, our Treasurer, will be out of the country until the end of the week. Once she returns, she will provide members with an invoice of their first quarter due amounts. We will expect them to be paid in a timely manner once received. Please contact Sharon at if you have questions regarding your dues.

Volunteer Commitment Fee:

All Gold, Silver and Bronze members are required to submit a deposit check in the amount of $150 (post dated May 1, 2019) to our Treasurer. These members are required to fulfill a total of 15 hours of volunteer service by the end of the Club year, in which this deposit will be returned if the commitment is met. Checks can be placed in the LCSC payment box or given to Sharon Guest, Treasurer.

There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer, especially during the Ice Show! As a volunteer, you will no longer be required to have a criminal background check on file. However, if volunteering in close contact with skaters such as chaperoning in the locker rooms, assisting with costume fittings or becoming a committee chairperson, you must be Safesport certified. This is simply completing an online course offered on the USFSA website which would take 1-2 hours of time. A Safesport certificate must be provided before volunteering if applicable. Volunteer positions that would not require Safesport certification would include Ice Show wall set up, concession stand, ticket table, spotlights, etc.

Becoming a committee chairperson also waives the $150 volunteer commitment fee and there are still opportunities available! Please ask a Board member for details!

LCSC Jacket Orders:

Order forms for the new Club jackets are available and we are now taking orders! Orders must be returned by Friday August 24th! Individual orders cannot be taken after the deadline, so be sure to get your order in soon! There will be sample jackets for skaters to try on in the rink office if you're unsure of size and fit. Please return order forms/payment to the LCSC payment box or to Kimberly Hampton. Order forms can be found under the tab General Information/Forms.

Membership Status change:

Members will have until the end of the week to change membership status. For example, if you are currently a Silver member and need to change to Gold member, or a Gold member who needs to change to an Associate member - this can be done until Friday August 17th. After this date, LCSC cannot accept membership status changes. Please notify a Board member of any status change requests.

Barre/Stretching Class:

We are finalizing the details of this class which will be offered on Mondays from 6:15-7:00 and Wednesdays from 7:00-7:45 in the Event Room located inside the rink at the end of the bleachers. Registration will be available soon through SignUp Genius, so be sure to check your emails! The cost is $50 per semester and will be instructed by Christina Craiutu.

Board Meetings:

We held our first monthly Board meeting on Tuesaday and once the meeting minutes are completed, you can always find them on the website under the tab About LCSC/Meeting Minutes.

Thank you again for helping to get our Club year started! Again, always feel free to contact your coach or a Board member with any questions or concerns at any time! More info about our Board members and coaches can be found under the tab About LCSC.


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